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Emo is a Genre of Music and a Fashion, it is commonally mistake for people.
Another Definetion of the word Emo is a Attention Seeker who gets obsessesed with a person that won't love them back, So for people to feel sorry for them they self harm and show off the cuts like it was nothing. Another Word For this type of Emo Is Lani, Lani's are also users, Posers, and Extremely Ugly

Correctly Used For Emo "What Type of Music Do you listen to?" "I listen to Emo Genre"
It is mistaken by saying "You're a Emo"
The Other Definetion of Emo is the Lani"No one cares about me, why doesn't he like me? Maybe If I cut myself I will have more Friends" "Gosh Damn it Lani!"

by Saggy Titted Bitch May 27, 2009

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Emo people have low self confidence, and are usually sensitive. Many of them are easily upset and are sometimes depressed at small matters and overreact. They many times wear out-of-the-ordinary clothing much as skinny ties, tight jeans, hoodies and sweaters, horn-rimmed glasses, studded belts, bands shirts, and much of the clothing is either very dark or brightly colored. Some clothing have stripes, stars, broken hearts, skulls, or checkerboards. They often have friends who are also emo, goth or punk.

Popular Emo Rumors:

1. All emos cut.

No, not all emos cut themselves. Some like self-inflicted wounds, while others prefer to express themselves through other things, such as poetry and songs. But if an emo cuts themselves, that doesn't mean they don't write poems or songs, as this is not uncommon in an emo.

2. Emos worship Satan(Or the devil...W/e)
No. Simply no. This was most likely sterotyped from the fact that they wear dark clothing, and some have anchany symbols or skulls on clothing.

3. All emos are depressed ALL THE TIME.
No. Emos can laugh and love others like anyone else. Emos are simply get depressed more easily than most people. They are often NOT as depressed as everyone thinks, and really, well, ya.

UnemoPerson1: That person looks ohsoemo with those black clothes and messy hair!

UnemoPerson2: Ikr?

by ColtHATESme June 4, 2009

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Emo culture in england..

Its subculturial plagiarism. A cancer of social uniques. Absorbing its favourite bits of symbolic social groups, creating a mainstream mash-up thats easy to follow with mass appeal.

Its prime targets will be "cool" underground scenes or movements. These are discovered, expoited, they quickly become commerical, thus ruining the appeal of feeling "different" while still being apart of something.

It's the lust to be unique, but at the same time feel apart of a group that fuels this popular social tend.

It seems appeal mainly but not exclusively to middleclass white boys with no clue about pussy or music.

skinny fit jeans from the 70s, flat peak caps from hip hop, bright luminous colour from 90s house/rave/dance, gloth/grunge jewelry and make up, converse/indie shoes, jock checkered shirts, metro/indie hair cuts.
blokes wearing make up. Someone that likes pendulem or chase and status or says they like dubstep but didnt know what it was 3 years ago. They like "nu rave" which isn't even a real genre.

(emos always call me a chav but I just know that girls dont give a shit what im wearing cus my dicks massive)

by E3D July 4, 2009

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Emo is ONLY an insult given by Punks, directed towards the avid fans of Emotive Hardcore Punk & the genre itself. Emotive Hardcore Punk started in the mid/early 80's; with Hardcore Punk bands that added more emotional lyrics to their songs. Since they did this, they were no longer considered Hardcore Punk.

Emotive is essentially watered down Hardcore Punk. That being said; Emotive is still Punk. It's still a sub-genre of Hardcore Punk. They still follow the same DIY ethics as Punks, & still have the same mindset.

The most noted bands to take this form of Hardcore Punk in a new direction was; Embrace & Rites Of Spring. Ian MacKaye the lead singer of Embrace; famous for the Hardcore Punk band Minor Threat, the creation of the subculture Straight Edge, & Dischord Records. Guy Picciotto the lead singer of Rites Of Spring; famous for the Emotive band Fugazi & creator of Emotive itself. (Arguably) Started the genre in the mid '80's.

Emotive in the 80's resembled it's parent genre. In the '90's it took a different feel.

Cap'n Jazz & a few other bands took a more Indie feel to their music. Cap'n Jazz with their only album Shmap'n Shmazz; took Emotive from a from a deeply underground Punk sub-genre, to a more widely accepted subset of indie rock. Which is why Emo is widely known, & respected in the Indie subculture.

Skramz (screamo), a sub-genre of Emotive; was Emotive with a more chaotic playing style. The name of the genre is a misnomer. Though the genre often had screaming vocals, it wasn't the focus of the genre. Skramz was just a way of playing more chaotic music, as most Punk was. Skramz started in the early '90's & lives to this day.

Emotive, along with Skramz, were underground genres. With underground labels. They're not widely known, or heard. You won't hear them on the radio, or find them in your local commercialized record store. This is the backbone of all Punk music, & it's sub-genres.

Common misconceptions of Emo; Emo is a style, Emo means Emotional, Emo is depressed, or people who self-mutilate themselves. All these are false! The media has bastardized the genre. In 2003 an article called The Dashboard Confessional Emo. Since this happened, other alike bands have been given the same assumption. You're practically pawns of the media for believing them. It is now widely believed that this style, which is actually FashionXcore a fashion stole from Visual Kei; closely related to J-Rock, which has been played upon by corporations like Hot Topic. They only plan on making money, & don't care what they ruin, or put in it's place.

I've heard recently that Emo died in the '90's. This is also false. Fugazi, a monumental Emotive band that both Ian MacKaye, & Guy Picciotto were both in; were touring & creating records till '01, with their 6th LP. Emotive will still live on with Skramz. In no way is Emotive dead. As long as people still listen to the genre, there will be Emo.

You're not emo unless you either listen to Emotive Hardcore Punk, or you're in an Emotive band. Simple!

I will leave this with some Emotive, Skramz, & some Indie/emo bands: Evergreen, I Hate Myself, Joan Of Arc, Joshua Fit For Battle, Mass Movement Of The Moth, Violent Breakfast, Suis La Lune, Circle Takes The Square, Saetia, Raein, Get Fucked, American Football, Jeromes Dream, Yaphet Kotto, Neil Perry, Amber Inn, Funeral Diner, Harriet The Spy, Cowboys Are Indians, City Of Caterpillar, etc etc...

A: Ready for that emo concert tonight?
B: Hell yeah man, it's going to be great.

by Rafec023 August 23, 2009

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Probably the most stupid and soft form of punk. (NOTE that other punk genres kick ass ).
Songs are usually themed with depression, teen angst and suicide. Also emo music has developed its own form of fashion : Scene. Scene or Emo kids always cry around for how about their lives suck and how nobody understands them.
Another also annoying and totally wrong thing about emo is that they think are brutal or hardcore.
1. There is nothing brutal in emo songs. Songs structures are with crappy guitars, almost unnoticable drumming, and singing that really sounds like crying.
2. There is nothing hardcore about emo. HARDCORE is a type of punk, and is fast, agressive and totally kickass. And emo has none of that. The emo songs are depressive and slow.

Emo is not brutal. If you want brutal, go listen to some good death metal.
OMFG ! My life sucks, I'll go cry and slit my skinny wrists !

by Deathbreath00 July 4, 2009

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1. (n.) genre of music consisting of punk rock, hardcore punk, and rock music with emotional lyrics.

2. (n.) a subculture revolving around emo music

3. (adj.) used to describe someone whom dresses/looks as an emo would, or someone apart of the emo subculture (see definition 2).

1. "I'm a big fan of emo music."

2. "Are you emo?"

3. "Omg, they're such emo fags."

by ItsNotJustAPhaseMOM March 25, 2017

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E - Emotional
M - Man-woman who
O - Over-reacts to normal
S - Situations

There's nothing more that emos love to do than cry. Boo fucking hoo, suck it up and get a pair.

by KinkyPrincess March 31, 2010

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