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Ultimate Legendary Fail

A fail so bad that surpasses master fail. If you have done a Ultimate legendary fail, you are probably dead, Or you need to be since someone with this kind of failure is a shame to all mankind and the universe.

Person 1: HAHA I can own you in any game

1.5 seconds later

Person 2: Ultimate Legendary Fail I beated u 999-0

Person 1: *commits suicide*

by LOLOLOL xD LOL April 14, 2010

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Fail Whale Hunting

To hunt for the Fail Whale on Twitter. Also known as trying to crash Twitter and get the Fail Whale.

Lets go Fail Whale Hunting, mate!

by Gagameup July 26, 2010

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Microwavable Instant Fail

1. A situation which is obviously doomed to failure before it even happens.
2. A person who seems to fail automatically without even trying.

1. This isn't going to work, this is stupid. We're just heating up a bowl of microwave instant fail, I can see it already.
2. That guy over there must have his pockets filled with microwavable instant fail, just inhaling the packets without even bothering to add water.

by Hamster Alliance August 13, 2007

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Fort street fail

A fail where you don't actually get under 50%, your standards are just really high so you think its a fail

friend one: i failed taht test so bad
friend two: really? what did you get?
friend one: 72%
friend two: thats not a real fail, thats a fort street fail.

by dingdong11 September 25, 2009

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That's what she failed.

A phrase that, while beginning in such a fashion as may warrant the proud declaration, "That's what she said," comes to be unusable in a sexual context, thus being a fail.

"It was really huge...but a good book overall."
"That's what she......failed."

"It was so hard to come up with examples"
"That's what she failed."

by Limonchikov August 10, 2009

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Fail to the faillionth power

A fail so epic it must be expressed in exponential terms. In this context, faillionth is not directly related to units of fail (failions), but is rather a very large fictitious number (e.g., bazillion, fafillion).

Man, did you actually make it to the end of GI JOE: The Rise of Cobra? The plot made absolutely no sense, the special effects sucked ass, and neither one of the hot chicks got naked the whole time. Fail to the faillionth power!

Did you see that Obama got awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? The Norwegians think they can influence global geopolitics by giving Obama their meaningless award, when reality is that nobody gives a damn about what Norway thinks because their economy is smaller than Hong Kong's and they spend less on their military than does Mali. Fail to the faillionth power!

by ilvoce October 14, 2009

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Too Big to Fail

A turd, that by itself, is large enough to clog the toilet without the use of paper, possibly needing to be broken up with plunger etc.

"I took a mean dump this morning. I had to poke at it with a plunger until it went down. That shit was just too big to fail"

by joshuajdickerson April 19, 2009

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