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Canada's History

Making whoopy with an elk (Canada's answer to the South Carolina horse).

I see you bought an elk. Trying out some of Canada's History, eh?

by ihatebears February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sexual act in which a man wears antlers, pushes the Stanley cup up his partner's vagina and pours maple syrup down her asshole.

Hey, I get to learn Canada's history later tonight.

by Colbert's Army February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sexual act where a moose fucks a man or woman, and at the same time is eating maple syrup out of someones asshole, whom of which tries to mutter the Canadian national anthem while masturbating into the Stanley Cup.

We're going to go try Canada's History out in the woods tonight.

by CNation BDK February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

An annual orgy held in Ottawa during the Stanley Cup series wherein the participants will only copulate with moose antlers using maple syrup as lubricant.

I've been stretching my sphincter out a lot, prepping for this year's Canada's History

by Colbert Nation #4209 February 5, 2010

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Black history month

A month of celebration of the lives of black people past and present.

That cracker is not going to fuck with those guys on black history month, he's going to keep walking. Besides, he knows their tricks.

by Solid Mantis February 25, 2021

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Canada's History

A depraved sexual act involving moose antlers, a jug of maple syrup, and the Stanley Cup.

Me: I gave this girl all of Canada's History.

Him: You even got your hands on the Stanley Cup?

Me: It was, sadly, just a replica.

by bukkakeface February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

An old man was in his cottage in the woods with a Lassie-type dog that is licking his nuts. While the dog was going to town, the old man takes a pair of moose horns dripping with maple syrup and proceeds to shove the horns up the dogs ass. Then the dog shits out the maple syrup and poo into the stanley cup, and the man chugs the bloody shit stew. He yacks back into the Stanley Cup and the dog laps it hugrily with his tongue.

stephen colbert and Canada's History

by thecrackensir February 5, 2010

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