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state-dependent memory

STATE-DEPENDENT MEMORY or STATE-DEPENDENT LEARNING is the phenomenon through which memory retrieval is most efficient when an individual is in the same state of consciousness as they were when the memory was formed.
The term is often used to describe memory retrieval while in states of consciousness produced by psychoactive drugs – most commonly, alcohol, but has implications for mood or non-substance induced states of consciousness as well.

Unlike CONTEXT-DEPENDENT MEMORY, which involves an individual's external environment and conditions, state-dependent memory applies to the individual's internal conditions.

For example, while context-dependent memory might refer to the idea that taking a test in the same room that an individual studied in will make it easier to retrieve those memories, state-dependent learning refers to the idea that if an individual always studied for a test while slightly caffeinated, it will most likely be easiest to recall what they studied during the test if they are at a similar level of caffeination.

1: "Why are you always trying to control situations, that can't possibly be controlled? You are just constantly in low-vibration state broski."
2: "Man, that's probably due to my state-dependent memory, it is a habit written in there, I use to get pissed off a lot. And you know what? That's really pissing me off."

by R0BERT GREY February 24, 2019

Sub-Animated State

A substitution to Physicians calling humans "Vegetables" when they are in a coma or unresponsive and saying that they are in a "Vegetative State". Humans are animals and not plants.

The patient has been in a sub-animated state for several weeks. He/she is sub-animate or a sub-animate. The term replaces the uncouth statement that he/she is a vegetable. He or she is in a vegetative state.

by Robert Laity June 30, 2017

Nigga state property

A nigga who got a gal or not but fuck with any hoe he see! All in their DM on insta or hittin them on snap chat!

That nigga state property he fuck with any bitch that bleed

by Mssbytch July 4, 2017

state-owned goods

Goods that are owned by the state such as utensils, cups, plates, etc. These things are loaned out to the people and if any of such things break or get lost you have to pay a hefty price.

The state-owned goods are part of the state's attempts to control and fine the people.

by Type2GenomeManiac June 7, 2017

Bay State Breakers

Junior Hockey Program.
This Junior Program is a nitty gritty style of hockey. Getting in the dirty areas and scoring the garbage goals. Though not always the most skilled team, they are one of the hardest working teams. Built for toughness and physical play. The word flashy hasn't been spoken in the locker rooms since 98. The best way to put the Bay State Breakers is they are a bunch of scummy plumbers, who have a good time and play hard.

Bay State Breakers

by Scout123456 March 24, 2014

Wharton State Forest

A large, primarily pine tree forest in Burlington County in South Jersey. Home of empty long state routes, cedar-water canoeing & fishin, sand pit parties, and the hickest of all hicks who have ever lived.

You killed that bitch?! Better bury her up in Wharton State Forest.

by Dpaugh April 22, 2011

Dream State Compensation

Mind compensating awareness and reality even if not aware of the dream because of the minds' need to work our mental problems safely.

My dream state compensation left me able to remember my dream this time.

by P0Ti0N August 13, 2016