A close "cousin breed" to the well-known central-western European species of dog, this choice of canine is favored by movie-stars for its loyalty and friendly disposition.
As a child, I heard a radio-ad narrated by someone calling himself "Jean Shepherd"... I remember wondering at the time how a dog could talk.
An epic, acidic, thick fart that leaks through your jeans as you go through out day.
A jean leaker is to thick and mean to come out of your pants all at once, its better to loosen your belt and sit on some chairs cause it'll be a while.
"yo James take a shower, shit"
"Nah man its a fucken jean leaker, been wit me since first period"
Florian is a sweet and kind soul, he's always there to help you and is a sensitive person. He's the best boyfriend or friend you could ask for. He's a really amazing guy that never fails to impress me. I love my Florian Jean Martin.
Snail: "Is that a Florian Jean Martin?!"
Vee: "He is, isn't he amazing?"
Snail: "Yes, he is, I'd love to be his friend!"
To completely freak out about small problems or 3 weeks before an exam.
Its really not a big problem dude, stop doing the Jean.
An American singer-songwriter. Her debut single, "WYD Now?", went viral on TikTok in 2021.
Have you heard "WYD Now?" by Sadie Jean?