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Leo Humor

A form of comedy involving someone saying or doing something that slightly inconveniences another person, followed by them getting brutally harmed or killed.

"Poop!" *gets launched into a black hole*

"This is such Leo humor! All he did was cough and got executed for it?"

by DiarrheaFartBall August 27, 2023

Leo powpow

An extremely racist trump supporter that enjoys fat-shaming people. He is very skinny and is a SIMP. He is the worst fort player you will ever come across in your entire life. Although he is quite good at wingman.

Is that a racist man?
No, thats leo powpow

by biggie b boberino August 3, 2020

Leo Fraser Bell

A top lad, has his balls tickled by his Hamster, leader of the EDL and tries to shag harry maguire. He’s more like Leo Fraser bellend

Stop being a Leo Fraser bell

by ILOVESEMEN October 9, 2022

angel leos

He is referred as Papi Angel or Masa. Hes a hella chill guy and a dope ass one to. Hes a fucking cutie and funny as fuck. he will make you laugh so fucking hard that you would need to shit your pants. his clout level is 100% and hes a gentlemen that keeps it one zero zero. he also has big ass balls loll. and he only full sends it, so he never half sends it, its always a full send.

Hey Mclovin did you see that Angel Leos

by Big Dick Papi hahaha aka Masa November 16, 2017

leo rosales

Has no where to go on thanksgiving day 2021. Loves Imus and 7am meet ups. Open to options and opportunities

Dorian, can leo Rosales come to your 7am imu thanksgiving party?

by LeoThanksgiving2021 November 24, 2021

leo trio

A group of 3 friends, it's able to expand into a Leo qaudrio or even a Leo pride depending how many Leos are with them at the time. Usually close friends who have complete banter and can do random shit together. All crazy in there own ways with ways to make each other laugh.

Guy 1: "Dude those people tackled over that man"

Guy 2? "that's the Leo trio for you"

"dude those people are so wasted and dressed as lions, meh Leo pride for you"

by leopridon October 16, 2013

national fuck Leo

The day where we all fuck and finger Leo

Let’s all participate in national fuck Leo day

by April 26, 2023