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Mr. Lord

The formal title of Peter Quill, aka Starlord.

Tony Stark: Alright just get over here. Please? Mr. Lord? Can you get your folks to circle up?

Peter Quill: Mr. Lord. Starlord is fine.

by IrishPotato754 January 3, 2019

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mr. Nice

1. one of the many aliases used by the now legendary dope dealer Howard Marks during his years of supplying the worlds favorite recreational substance. several of his false passports bared this name as well as photographs with various cunning disguises
2. the name of a strain of marijuana cross-bread from the famous G13 strain, it was named after the above alias of Howard Marks

you know that guy that smuggled dope? he is Mr. Nice

by the penguin made me do it April 4, 2009

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Mrs. Camacho

Some big-arse'd cow somebody trained to be a teacher. Otherwise known among students as Mrs. COWmacho.
She's fat and smelly, big time. She's a seventh&eighth grade teacher. She likes to scream at poorly behaved teenagers. But well,TEENAGERS. She could probably hide an airplane in her abdomen fat and still have some spare space for about 30 kids.

(in literature class making vocabulary development. The board actually said: Vocabulary Development/5xEach )
student: Is it 5 times each the word, or the meaning?
mrs. camacho: see the board.
student: it just says 5 times each vocabulary development
mrs. camacho: ok then *goes all angry towards the board and writes "WORD" all big so that anonymous student can see* There, see that? WORD.

by Gallagher. June 6, 2009

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Mr. Tinkertrain

A known pedophile who has molested several children, especialy young girls around 8-13 years old.

"I can't believe they’re letting a Mr. Tinkertrain move into our neighborhood."

by N$ September 9, 2006

35πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

mrs jones

A girl you cheat with.Such as in the song.

"A man i got this one mrs jones around the corner."

by L Boogy January 29, 2006

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Mr. Bojangles

The famous African-American dancer, Bill Robinson, who taught Shirley Temple how to tap dance and starred with her in many movies.

Eventhough this Spanish American War vet, was celebrated. He was often descriminated against due to the color of his skin. Many artist such as Bob Dylan and Sammy Davis Jr have paid tribute to him through their art.

Bojangles came to represent oppressed or discriminated people who have a special warm and caring relationship with the children of the oppressor.

Granpa would even bojangles with kids of the KKK.

by Blowfish July 23, 2005

109πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

mr hodinka

a teacher who cant teach anything. he has a crazy 5th hour class and always gets told by his students. he is an 8th grade english teacher that teaches @ daytona middle school in lake havasu, adrizona.

tomato face; mr hodinka cant teach

by middleschool October 11, 2008

43πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž