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scene points

Scene points is a way to make people feel pathetic and Lame..Which they probably are..But still..Scene points aren't nessacery..Soon they will be a dumb fad and ruin the whole scene genre..Like Straight edge and emo.Plus scene isn't all about hating hip-hop.Those are the HxC scene kidds.SxC Scene kidds don't take part in quality points and making fun of other kiddies.

SxC scene kidds:That new kidd has cool hair.
HxC scene kidds:That kidd is such a poser he ahs the same hair as me..He lost so many points.

by Yumi April 16, 2005

20πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Moot Point

A moot point is similar to receiving negative points. While one person may score several points in a game of hockey, another opponent can score several moot points because he screwed up or just plain sucks.

Ex1: Mike Haire forgot that his fly was open all night. That's a moot point.

Ex2: After that terrible game I award you 4 moot points.

by Do It Big March 13, 2009

34πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

scene points

Things stupid scene kids do for attention and to show others how "HxC" they are. Or to show they are more scene than other people.

Trademarks of being scene and things that get you scene points:
owning a crappy tear-blue acoustic
owning a vintage telecaster
putting a pair of childing glasses in your hair
making your hair look stupidly messy
putting random stupid colors in it
prettending that you are cool
wearing exessive makeup,
wearing excessive beads,
wearing girl pants,
wearing excessivly tight clothes
pale skin
liking stupid bands like;
going to watch local bands
being friends with every local band

scene kid: "i'm soooo hardcore"
other kid: "no you are'nt"
scene kid: "omg hxc!"
other kid: "shut up before i knock the scene points out of you!"

by biyatchingabootscheenkidz September 30, 2005

23πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

cooking point

The point where you can no longer pull something out of the fridge/cupboard and eat it without some basic cooking being involved first. Of course this varies with how far the individual is prepared to go to avoid the strain of preparing food properly (ergo eating raw bacon), but this can generally be regarded as the point when snacking no longer becomes a viable option.

Person A: 'It's all chicken strips and pizzas in the fridge dude, i'm getting dangerously close to cooking point.'

Person B: 'You reckon we could get away with eating a pizza raw?'

by McBeardyfaceIlovejonin July 5, 2010

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

cockshott point

1. The moment before male ejaculation
2. A road near Lake Windermere, UK

by Stuart Taylor October 4, 2003

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Mountain Pointe

A shithole in the ghetto with bunch of gangsters

Desert Vista Student #1: Where do you go to School at?
Another Student: I go to school at Mountain Pointe

Desert Vista Student #2: Oh, so you are a gangster

by Gangsta1543 October 4, 2018

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

clout points

A currency of clout that’s used by the dankest people

Damn boi you got 5927 clout points already?!?

by Bigkitty696969696969969695 August 30, 2017

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž