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Sausage Trough

A bar that always has the same dudes sitting around drinking beer, usually in the middle of the day.

Stopped in to see Andie at Hooters today, and saw the same old sausage trough lined up drinking America's.

by denimdave77 August 17, 2016

dropped the sausage

Turning the man off, bye bye boner

Dude she totally dropped the sausage last night

by Home girl A May 2, 2016


Used to describe something that's a load of nonsense or very annoying/ not ideal

That whole pandemic was a load of trout-sausage.

That man was talking pure trout-sausage.

by Wordsnstuff12477 November 25, 2022

Johny’s sausage

Most commonly know as a very late male genitalia

I’ve heard he has a Johny’s sausage

by Salami Mami69 February 16, 2021

weidemer sausage

This is when a two men grapple each others penis yank it off until they bleed to death

John and Fred both died from doing the weidemer sausage

by albert 3inst3in November 12, 2018

dingle sausage

Relative to a human dingle berry, a very indecisive person who cannot keep plans to save their life

Todd: Last week Tim told me he wanted to go to cancun and now he wants to buy a four wheeler. Only to end up buying a pointless engagement ring.
James: Oh what a dingle sausage.

by Goaty12 February 23, 2017

Taiwan Sausage

A sausage prepared taiwanese style. Nothing sexual pervert.

Dude, I was thinking of getting the fried breadsticks, but the taiwan sausage is calling my name right now.

by GuinnessDrinker5 January 13, 2019