Source Code

smoke thirty

The time of day that signifies it's time to go outside and have a cigarette break (or alternatively, time to smoke a joint), usually taken at the bottom half of the hour.

To indicate to someone you wish to take a smoke break, you would typically peek your head in their office, and go "smoke thirty" to which you both hobble outside, have a cigarette and muse about how much you hate you fucking job.

Ben: Hey man, what time is it?
Dave: Ten til smoke thirty.

by cheeriomcmuffin April 5, 2009

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Smoking Bitch

Someone who smokes marijuana regularly, whether on the daily or more often than not.

Wow, Robert has really become a smoking bitch lately. He smokes weed almost every day!

by CatDaddy99 March 13, 2017

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smoked fish

an unknown substance, or actually the aquatic animal, smoked in a rolled cigarette. Origin: the city of Dunton, Beds., England.

person 1: "what is that guy smoking?"

person 2: "It be that smoked fish shit"

by Ronny St Papps December 20, 2004

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Smoke ass

When you put a blunt in someone's ass and smoke it

"remember kids, smoke ass, eat grass and die fast!" - random highschooler

by Large yoshi 69 May 16, 2019

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smoke dragon

Someone who has just recently vape and cums on the women's face and starts to breathe the smoke on her.

Last Night my boyfriend gave me the smoke dragon.

by Jimmys nuts May 26, 2021

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smoke a brick

1. Consume large amounts of cocaine.

2. Kill someone with down’s syndrome.

1. Y’all tryna smoke a brick today?

2. I was sick of the annoying mental illness lobbyists, so I smoked a brick.

by ligmaballs689 September 25, 2019

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smoke a shotgun

To commit suicide, Seppukku, Hari-Kari, or any other form of ending one's life by placing the barrel of a shotgun in your mouth, tying a string to the trigger, and giving it a stern kick.

I hope that bitch Rosie Odonell does us all a favor and decides to smoke a shotgun.

by NineInchWonderAK March 9, 2007

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