it's like 'poor bastard' except its son of a bitch
fella 1:I had constipation last night
fella 2: you poor son of a bitch
The easiest way to Get your point across when you see a fat perfect ass in front of you. Something worth sitting back and taking in- a bunda as some would call it. You can rely on this term and use it in secrecy. Only the real ones know.
Look at her rumpford and sons! It is impeccable.
The phrase that neglecting fathers use when begrudgingly handing over a present to their son.
"Happy birthday son, this is yours now." - Nathan Carter's father as he removes his watch
Hwang Hyunjin is Aphrodite’s Son. His fans gave him that title cause of his extreme beauty, Hwang hyunjin is ethereal and otherworldly. His good looks cannot be put into words So, Aphrodite’s son is the best way to describe his immaculate beauty
“Have u seen Hyunjin?!? He’s so breathtaking!”
“Ofc he is, He’s Aphrodite’s Son”
“What does that mean?”
“Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty, So her son would have to be beautiful, The only person who fits that level of attractiveness is Hyunjin”
the less loved male offspring in a family, usually the disappointment in the family
Wow, that kid is such a disapointment, must be the #2 son!
When 2 princes forgive each other and fuse to finish it like a KING..AMEN IT IS FINISHED ON EARTH AND HEAVEN ..ALL AUTHORITY
This business here in the pit is done son
When she tells you that she is proud of you like a mother would be proud of her son
Sam was trying to make her jealous by naming out women he went out with.She just son-zoned him