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Sauna Surprise

The act of taking a steamy shit(preferably after eating mexican food)in a sauna in order to cause a retched stench to emanate throughout the perimeter.

Bro i left a sauna surprise at the spa, it smelt like raunchy ass.

by TheSaunaMaster February 2, 2016

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Kinder Surprise

When the ugly teacher bends over to help someone in front of you, and you see his/her cack and underwear.

Help me god, I've just witnessed the worst Kinder surprise of all time.

by Cooncheese May 15, 2017

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surprise springback

when someone is urinating with an erection and the basketball shorts they had pulled away involuntarily spring back and send urine flying in all directions onto the person.

Rusty- why does jeff have water spots all over his shirt?
Tyler- I think he had a surprise springback.
Rusty- hmm, definatley.

by amazawaliisdead July 20, 2009

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Italian surprise

When a person of any gender puts spaghetti noddles in Their ass hole then surprises their lover with it the next time they engage in sexual activities and then allows the lover to slurp the noodles out.

"Dude you won't believe it but my girl gave me Italian surprise last night"

by Tittyspanker47 January 21, 2017

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Tostito Surprise

When a male is approaching climax, he throws a handful of tostito scoops at the females face. This is used as a split second distraction, as from there the male stabs the female to death. The moment the female expires the male is expected to climax.

Cop: *shoving man in back* I hope you get the fucking book!
Man: You don't get it man! It was just a funny prank! I call it the Tostito Surprise!

by Bingus. January 28, 2022

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Surprise Ed

Students who are at a more severe level than the average Special Needs classes.

Dude, I heard he got to surprise Ed.

by M_shaf123 August 24, 2018

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cart surprise

when checking out from an online store and you put in a random coupon code that works; therefore giving you an additional discount

marie wouldn't have been able to afford her dress if it wasn't for her cart surprise at checkout!

by theONEftw July 21, 2011

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