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dump down

to excrete fecal matter.

what else would it mean?

also referred to as "double d"

i need to dump down is the most urgent way.

i need to double d... now.
dump down.
oh... weak. ok fine. you can use my bathroom.

by ckslick March 7, 2010

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Pump and dump

When you masturbate and s*** at the same time

Bro this morning I was on the hub and had me a old fashioned pump and dump

by Yourmomsman08 August 23, 2019

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Dump and Blow

The act of getting blown while taking a dump

Cody got caught giving Tom a dump and blow

by RBurton July 23, 2008

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Dump Truck

When you a fuck a girl in the ass and shit comes out of her when you pull out.

" Suzy last night let me fuck her in the ass, too bad she turned into a dump truck".

by Leeroy Jenkins867 May 23, 2012

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Straight dumping

Is used when explaining anything above and beyond avrage preety much perfect and awsome.Can also be used to represent killing.

ex. Hey Josh just when undeafeted in the tournement cause im straight dumping.
ex. Dude i was straight dumping in halo3

by dj dumping April 18, 2009

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air dump

To release air loudly from one's anus, usually makes a flubbery resonating sound.

Dude, I took an air dump on Nicole last night, haha serves that bitch right.

by Zack Alv March 26, 2008

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bum dump

When a Police Officer drops a homeless person off in another town to eliminate the problems he has caused in his town.

"Shades" was pissing people off in the mall so I bum dumped him on the west side.

by mister delicious December 25, 2007

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