Source Code


smiled a little then stopped

billy : why’d the chicken cross the road?


billy:to get to the other side


by mind you damn Business February 24, 2022


S - smiled
A - a
L - little
T - then
S - stopped

It was not that funny, but it made me smile a little for a second. It is used when messaging another person.

Text messages
Person 1: look at this funny meme
Person 2: salts

by charlidameliocancelled November 19, 2020


Most people send a message having “lmao” in it if something I kind of funny, even if they aren’t actually laughing their a** off. Salts stand for “smiled a little then stopped” which makes more sense.

Person 1: “Yo my teacher so stupid I cheated on my test and still pass”

Person 2 “salts”

by bigguccibumtit178 January 2, 2024


smiled a little then stopped

Lacey: look this meme
Jason: SALTS
Lacey: whats that
Jason: when I say lmao I'm not actually dying of laughter

by Kecieundercover June 23, 2020


Smiled a little then stopped.

"Wow look at this meme!"
"Hm okay."

by no >:( March 8, 2021


Santy/Salty Annachi 🧂

SlimShady_BruhGuy: heyy salty 🧂 annachi
Salty 🧂 Annachi: !ban @SlimShady_BruhGuy

by Salty Annachi's Enemy 🧂 November 16, 2021


1, the essence of life

2, another word to describe chase

I love salt so much

Chase why are you so salty

by Wawa February 6, 2019