I played social soccer on the weekend and the fullback kicked me right in the sack and I've woken up with a Purple Pod.
A whore. Someone who really gets around and has low standards, But is very likable when they are not insulting everyone.
"Dayum I think he's fucked half the Nation! What a purple Gerkin"
Not telling the whole truth but not exactly lying.
"I don't have my keys" (When in reality you actually lost your keys but don't want to admit it - Purple Lie)
To beat someone up so badly that their knees turn purple
Hey Waseema, I'm gonna give you purple knees if you don't shut up!
£20, in the UK. £20 notes are a purple sort of colour and are printed on a sheet of paper/cotton therefore called purple sheet or purple note
Buyer: How much are these garms?
Seller: £25
Buyer: I'll give your purple sheet
When you tie a rope around a woman's breasts during BDSM play. Tying the rope tight enough causes her breasts to turn purple.
Guy 1: Dude what'd you and Sarah do last night?
Guy 2: Dude she let me give her Purple Pineapples.
Guy 1: Sweet.