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The biggest tumblr famous poser on the tumblr universe. Changes his personality according to the trends on tumblr.


Hunger-world: oh HAY GUYS WUTS UP

Using kawaii emoticons becomes the trend on tumblr

Hunger-world: I hate you guise ✿◕‿◕✿

by tumblrfamousssss October 27, 2011

7👍 10👎

around the world

When you take a hit you dont exhale but you hold it til you get the bowl,pipe or bong. Then you exhale and take your secound hit....its like taking 2 hits in a row.May go on for as long as the pot burns.Also gets you more fucked up.

last night i did an around the world and got soo fucked up:)

by *E-rock* November 24, 2006

62👍 141👎

Third World

A country that has a weak government and is basicly the way it is now because of europe.

Europeans fucked up most of the world because they were and still are the most greedy people in the world.

by loca September 11, 2004

36👍 77👎

around the world

In it's simplest sense, a good old-fashioned "suck and fuck" (a blowjob followed by intercourse) usually an offering from a hooker

john: None of the fancy shit, bitch just give me a nice around the world!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada December 19, 2008

71👍 165👎

goldilocks world

Any planet that's (hypothetically-speaking), not too hot, or too cold and can support CHZs: 'continously habitable zones' and have a large Drake number: the possibility of the existant number of intelligent galaxies in the universe put into an equation.

Mars is not a goldilocks world..not even by a large chalk.

by hytham_hammer July 8, 2005

17👍 32👎

World of Warcraft

A (shit) alternitive to life.

I play World of Warcraft 'cause my life sucks bad!

by MOMOMOAMMOAMD July 22, 2008

13👍 23👎

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is a game where the only enemy is yourself... and 90% of the players will never recover for the internal damage this game will cause to your health, your self esteem, and your social life.... i played warcraft when i was 13 and it is a addiction.... luckly i had the will power to break the disc after a month and since then i lost 35 lbs got myself in shape and my life is so much better i go to parties now spend time with my family got a gf and got into college. here the facts THIS GAME SHOULD BE ILLEGAL it has alot of the same effects and symptoms as Crack... if any of you normal kids out there are waiting to play the game or get the expansion DONT!!! QUIT RIGHT NOW HIT START ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS AND UNINSTALL THIS it essentially is a computer virus but not to you PC but a virus to your life...

Normal kid: "Dude i cant wait to play World of Warcraft"
Day 1: only 3 hours not so bad
Day 2: only 6 hours im fine
Week: my gf left me who cares ill get another one just after one more quest...
1 Month: lost my job and im failing 3 classes who cares ill go to summer school
1 Year: Dont cancel my account please im only 1 more lev to 70!!! please i need WoW!!!! ILL SUCK YOUR DICK PLEASE NO!!!
this is what world of warcraft will do to you

by Junior Gomez April 18, 2008

11👍 19👎