Really fertile and delicious semi scrumptious but yet filled with a sea of cun and amazement. Some say they are as big as the circumference of the globe we live apon to this day.
Jaiyans Balls are big
What Teardrop turned into Two for episode 6 of TPOT, or the power of two, and what tree found first, but teardrop used instead.
Look! 100 Chocolate balls! *Walks away and Teardrop uses them to turn into Two*
When your balls are so hairy but you cut a Hilter mustache into it . . . Hairian balls!!
The frauline saluted my Hairian balls like the SS at a Hitler youth rally!
Sport of discs played primarily by white middle aged men. Commonly referred to as “ultimate frisbee”- a disc is thrown between players to score points in corresponding goals.
“What are those hippie crackers doing in the park?”
“That’s Honky Ball, bruh! You see that big white frisbee?!”
Getting your ass kicked, beaten, or destroyed in a manner that makes you give up. Especially in games.
Damn Andy, your ball speedbag got used by your girlfriend in that COD match.