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Bare cunt.

Don’t fall in love it is bare cunt.

by SmartAnonymous. October 18, 2020


Bare cunt.

Falling in love is bare cunt.

by SmartAnonymous. October 18, 2020


Love is an act of freedom and, at the same time, of emancipation. It’s to understand the other person doesn’t owe you anything, not even reciprocation. Loving is about feeling yourself and letting yourself feel, it’s about the bittersweet sensation of butterflies in your stomach, of floating with the lack of gravity but also having the love pulling you back to the ground. It’s about facing this personal journey without demanding the imprisonment of the other. If they come, if they go along with you, choosing to go through that road together, if they chose to stay and appreciate the horizon of every stop, respecting the silence of each storm, then good. Let it be for the journey, for the experience, and may it last as long as it has to.

May it not only be for the company but also for the search of the top discovery.
Some people won’t understand your reasons and will walk just enough to leave you halfway through. There are others whom the path will lead to the bifurcation, who will lead them to another direction and that’s fine, you went together as far as possible and maybe, destiny will bring them back, who knows.
And finally, there are those who will finish the road for you, sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied, because that’s what love is: a map, a discovery, an adventure, and a constant goodbye, whether that’s to your past, or to the one who used to walk beside you.

Love is everything and anything you make it to be. Love is pure, just love.

by UselessConfusedPerson August 3, 2022


LOVE too is an acronym. It stands for "Levels of Violence." A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. The more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.

Your LOVE has increased

by brain.exe November 18, 2018


having a heartwarming feeling in your heart, liking something

I love that person's personality!

by platapus eheh May 27, 2022


Love is a feeling you get from something or somebody,so if you say "I love him!" even though you don't know him that's not really true. You need to get to know the person well then you can say that you love them.But love can be expressed in different ways though and this is my opinion of love.

I really love my boy friend!!!

by R_manayao,thays my snap right October 24, 2019


love is when two or more people have strong feelings for one another

love is people who liek each other very much for example Dian Zahid & Enisha Zahid <3<3<3<3

by therealbigchungus February 21, 2019