si stop taking you can’t tell me what to do so shut up
shut up you can’t tell me what to do
This is a song made by a guy who wants a man who can make anything.
Z)Let me carve your way pwease?
Use this if you wanna, for some reason, knock up a robot
Call me Purple guy, Because i want to put a child in that robot
A phrase used to get the crowd involved or to pump the crowd up at a concert, coined and used mostly by the lead singer of Iron Maiden Bruce Dickinson.
Scream for me Long Beach! SCREAM FOR ME LONG BEACH! The Flight of Icarus!!
This word is used best to describe your day or your current mood. Similar meaning to “kill me now” or “shoot me”. However you won’t get yelled at for saying it in school or questioned in public.
Friend: “how’s your day going?”
Me: “ugh shoot me with an arrow”