Face it we all have no gf
You looked this up because you
A: are lonely and fuck toilets, a piece of wood, and fake ass
or B: you did the impossible and got a hot girlfriend who wants to bang real hard because your dick is so fucking large you can break her pussy fast af
A is likely
Guy: I just got a girlfriend and had sex with her mass
Guy 2: Good jok- oh.
Add the bed subtract the clothes divide the legs and pray you don't multiply
"Hey babe" " Yeah?" "Wanna do some math w/ me?" "Sure what type??" "Sex, it's just like math" :Does Mischevious Laugh: >:)
find a boyfriend first and than we’ll talk about it
So find a boyfriend
Make him horny
And than have sex
what urban dictionary definers (edgy 13 year olds) overuse as innappropriate slang
"hey dude i was wondering should we look at the definition of cheese"
"if you will lmao, read it out"
"Cheese is when you proceed to do sex with a-"
When a guy puts his cock in a girls pussy
either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. sex