Since the failure/flop of Cyberpunk, people have adapted an overly forgiving mindset towards the general game market.
'Overwatch 2 is coming out really late, and Overwatch 1 has gotten no ounce of content for 2.5 years?
that's fine honestly, we wouldn't want it to have bugs, right?'
It's been delayed for 2 years? That's ok, we wouldn't want it to have bugs! Better be patient!! Cyberpunk Syndrome
When a game is rushed to completion after months of hype and suffers from being unpolished.
Black Ops 4, Sonic ‘06, and many more suffer from the dreaded Cyberpunk Syndrome.
A phenomenon in which otherwise normal people become extremely agitated and hostile when driving. This disorder is named after the main character in the 1950 Disney animated film "Motor Mania".
"Hey? Did you read the news? Someone got shot in a road rage incident because they cut someone off."
"Another case of Mr.Wheeler Syndrome I'm afraid."
When a person magically disappears for an extended period of time while they're having a conversation, usually when they're being asked something.
Person 1: Hey there!
Person 2: heyy
Person 1: Did you see the news last night?
Person 2:
Person 1: @Person 2
Person 2:
Person 1: @Person 2 wake up
Person 2:
Person 1: Now that's Lili Syndrome like i've never seen before.
I have this prescription for deodorant that is medically designed to be small for people diagnosed with Microaxilla Syndrome.
When you listen to too many subbu diss tracks and memes that you become addicted to thinking and saying subbu.
Bro do yk suhas he has subbu syndrome and keeps saying subbu on the track nga
When a person(s) stare(s) at a screen no matter what is on it.
John: Hey Mike what are you watching?
Mike: Little House in the Prairie.
John: I didn't know you like Little House!
Mike: I don't. I just caught a case of Screen-er Syndrome.