Idk the feeling and I won’t cause I like my best friend
Me:I love u
Person:we’re friends
Me:dies 👽😂
you feel a bit tingly you can feel dizzy sometimes just a lovely feeling mostly
Love is only one word but, can describe millions of other words, love is a very deep hole, you can get trapped in it's never ending confusion not knowing a way out, you try and try to escape but, there's no going back, you fell in love.
friend 1: what do want for Christmas?
me: to be loved
Friend 1: that's to unrealistic, try going for being ugly...OH WAIT YOU ALREADY GOT THAT
Love is something you won't find at a young age. Its something you will find later on in life. It also not just something you will find some easily. You have to look hard for this. When you love someone you would wanna tell the whole world, and you would wanna spend the rest of your life with them. They don't have have to be someone you date or marry. It can be someone in your family or someone like your bestfriend. Don't worry you will find someone that truly cares about you. Tells the world about you, and would want to spend the rest of there life with you. That's love.
Man I thought I was in love but she only wanted me for materialistic things