When smb from spain asks on the stories of instagram:
. Y digo si me lio (. And I say if I kiss you)
And the other person is ugly or you don’t want to be on a “lio” you say: MAJO PERO NO ME LIARIA.
You are majo pero no me liaria ,sorry
A slightly dated Jewish expression of anger, disgust, dismay or frustration, literally meaning "I don't want to live to see tomorrow!"- (probably pretty much equivalent to something along the lines of "For fuck's sake!") I first heard this expression being used by my now, ex-girlfriend's stepmum.
"Oy vey! I can't believe she's invited that prat round here again! Kill me tonight!"
Military term often associated with a tap on the top of the head means "come here".
Sgt: Private (insert name), on me! *taps head*
A phrase used to reinforce one’s statement or agree with another person’s statement.
Person 1: This dude trippin’!
Person 2: On me!
Person 1: We should be able to get an Ace.
Person 2: On me!
I'm not playing around or I am serious.
Similar to: deadass, on my mother, on bro, on my dead, on a set
On me I would beat you tf up.
This is the best soda flavor on me.
when your friend is horny and needs someone to sex with, so you decide to help him/her and say Let me SOS you.
hey buddy, do you need help? Let me SOS you.