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Agressive Hug

When two douchebags talk about fighting but end up just awkwardly hugging eachother angrily. (It looks very homo-errotic)

Guy 1: Dood did you hear about that fight diring 7th period spanish class?
Guy 2:Wtf are you talking about? That wasn't a fight it was just an agressive hug...fags.

by Mc Blowjob January 31, 2010

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Daddy hug

When your "daddy" guys you while grabbing your butt and kissing you

I need a daddy hug right now.

by Marie8967 October 23, 2016

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Markiplier hug

A pers Who can’t hug people or give” pat pat” hugs

β€œI went to pax and met Mark and he gave me a shit hug” or β€œ that person gives out an markiplier hug”

by Markcantfuckinghug May 1, 2018

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Cornish Hug

Type of wrestling throw, became a euphemism for killing, and then for murdering prisoners in the civil war - see 'Pagans or Paragons?': Images of the Cornish during the English Civil War
M. J. Stoyle
The English Historical Review
Vol. 111, No. 441 (Apr., 1996), pp. 299-323

The prince raised another army of dregs, drained from the mines, we'll show them a Cornish Hug!

by Matt Ress December 5, 2011

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meat hugging

when one is excessively sucking up to another guy bc they want to suck their dick

Hey don't make fun of him. "Boy stop meat hugging before I get all up on that ass boy"

by meat hugger January 18, 2015

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Hugging the Cactus

When a person anthropomorphizes a fake plant, especially one that is human-like in shape, resulting in an intimate moment with an otherwise unsympathetic object.

Cordell tried his best to impress the nice, young lady at the pool party. Sadly, all his friends knew that the ficus would never return his call. He was hugging the cactus.

by chaunky smelderbodom February 11, 2017

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London Hug

A champion hug given by a guy that gives the best hugs you know. Usually not your boyfriend.

Chick 1: Did you hug that guy over there? He gives such London Hugs!
Chick 2: Really?! Excuse me, I'm going to go over there and get one.


Dude to Champion Hugger: No homo man, but that was such a London Hug.

by pikachulovesespeon October 9, 2011

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