the leaders of the whole world, everyone must bow down and respect them, they run everyone’s like they are better than the alpha males
OMG it’s a REAL alpha females, i’m in the presence of a goddess. I want to be one of them one day.
Actually doesnt have a definition -or I dont know but I dont give a damn,who cares
Oh sis this Louis Vitton doesnt maket yolu an Alpha Female!
“You’re really alpha female!”
“Really? I got it from wrldkailee on twitch”
When a female smacks a guy in the face with a used tampon
He pissed her off with no apology; her revenge, the female teabag
Female Narcissist Abuse is when a woman abuses her lover and gets away with it, there are cases of them being imprisoned, but it's so fucking short!
Dan: My wife keeps hitting me although I've done nothing...
Brock: I've heard of this, it's called Female Narcissist Abuse
she usually has a split dye of some sort, into spiritual shit, STILL uses tumblr, like lana del rey, mars argo, melanie martinez, cigarettes after sex, the nbhd, marina, etc. and is occasionally some sort or vegan/vegetarian.
“she’s fucking crazy, shes dyed her hair 3 times this month!”
“female manipulator type beat.”