Source Code

Year 8

the. worst. year. of. the. school.
This is the year where the teachers sort you into classes with the WORST people in the year group. If your school organizes a residential trip brace for stupid kids doing nothing and talking about dank topics. This year will also brew a lot of controversies.

A: OMG Year 8 was the WORST YEAR EVER!
B: YEAH! Thank god we survived it. Year 7 was way better

by Yeeperdoodles May 1, 2020

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November 8

National fuck your crush day!yep you can have an excuse to fuck your crush and they can’t say no or deny you!so you have to fuck

Hey,it’s november 8 and your my crush so...

Aight let’s fuck

by Candy_girl_07 November 7, 2019

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8 Badges

The upmost and prestigious recognition of brilliant, importance and all round badassery.

A social ranking system

Woke up this morning feeling like 8 badges
I'd 8 badge the shit out of her
That car is so 8 badges
Mate this cold is making me feel like 2 badges

by Dr. Agonite March 29, 2011

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8 ball

A 3.5 gram of coacaine.

Aye bro do you got a 8 ball for sale?

by Big Maal May 29, 2019

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i rate 8/8 m8

You are rating something 8 out of 8. It relates to u wot m8. M8 means mate read as meight.

Guy one: wow m9 check her out
Guy two: wow I rate 8/8 m8.

by sowy m9 July 3, 2015

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Assrape. A purely American twist on the Korean "OTL". OTL=8 was first used in the suburbs of San Diego, CA.

See: 8=JTO

Fuck, that test sucked balls. OTL=8.

Dude their football team just OTL'ed us today.

Oh shit I just lost my keys. OTL=====8.

by ignacious d December 15, 2008

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Chopper 8

Code name for beer or any other form of alcohol.

"The Chopper 8 has landed."

by SSColin32 July 27, 2006

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