The day you can hit a short person. And only today
I can hit you because it’s October 30
October 30 day of getting ready for holloween and having fun getting girls to kiss and to live life the good way
October 30th the day of getting ready for holloween and having fun getting girl so kiss to live life the good way. Definded as having the best day ever
Hey it’s national slap your boyfriends head day!
Boy: hey
Girl : heyyyy
It’s october 30th...
Boy: oh no
National cringe embarrass yourself for graduation dance day
Hey time to embarrass yourself
We have to do the graduation dance today, it’s October 30 last day to record and send
Oh shit-
give michael a hug day, all day
hey michael i have to give you a hug all day because its October 30
Friend 1: guess what day it it!
Friend 2: October 30th?
Friend 1: Yes. But it’s also Halloween Eve!!!!