a bendy Wendy bath time is when an old woman takes a long bath and sings her favrioute songs
moriah "I heard my mum taking a bendy Wendy bath time laser night:
eddy "thats cool I wish I had a bendy Wendy bath time"
bendy Wendy bath time is when Wendy gets in her bath every night and sings her favrioute songs to us.
omg I heard Wendy having her bendy Wendy bath time ladt night
Sitting in the tub with a copious amount of bubbles making plane noises while flying over your toy twin towers and looking like George Bush
Nnnnnnneeeeeeoooooooowwwww booommmmm,is what my kid heard coming from the bathroom as I was taking my George Bush Bubble Bath!
The art of smearing shit all over your partners body then performing intense anal.
Todd gave George an intense Detroit fudge bath
A Turkish mud bath is when you are in a bathtub with your significant other then you or your partner takes a shit in the bathtub and smear it over themselves and you
I love giving my wife a Turkish mud bath!
The action of giving someone/thing such a large amount of spray-tan that people question if you bathed them in the stuff
“look at Sandra, she’s taken an orange bath”
There’s a group of guys who like other guys... they stand and create an arch of man swords; jetting their well earned man-goop over the well intentioned recipient, creating a Unicorn Bath
Did you hear about Chip? Met some guys on a night out and it ended in a total unicorn bath