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Random bloody stone

Er like pretty much just bits of stone of differing size/shapes and colours (hence random) used for the creation of small wells.

Lets go to homebase for some random stone.

by jimbob December 20, 2003

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white trash bloody mary

a delicious concoction of V8 juice and premium Burnett's vodka. usually a two to one ratio of V8 to vodka. stir and serve over ice to impress all your trailer park friends at the next brunch at the redneck yacht club.

"Hey Kelley, can you make my white trash bloody mary with Spicy Hot V8? I need a kick this morning.."

"Best hangover cure? White trash bloody mary and a wake and bake session."

by KentuckyGentleman October 11, 2011

my bloody valentine

The flagship artist of wannabe-intellectual indie kids.

See overrated

My Bloody Valentine are not the second coming of Jesus.

by Oswald March 29, 2005

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bloody nose black widow

People who love the marvel character black widow and her bloody nose.

"those people are OBSESSED with Natasha Romanoff after she smashes her head into a desk during her movie Black Widow. They call themselves "bloody nose black widow"

by taylorswiftthighs July 19, 2021

Bloody orange sock

Bloody orange sock comes from the Latin term orange sock and red sock... red sock being the act of anal penetration till bleeding and orange sock is the act of rubbing a orange on a pink/red sock. But bloody orange sock is when you analy rape a small women/man and the pink sock comes out, and you just keep raping until the point of bleeding... then you take a spoiled orange and rub it on the now โ€œred sockโ€ to turn it into a โ€œbloody orange sockโ€.

Man she said no to that sex so I gave her a bloody orange sock.

by Loofahkilla February 26, 2021

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Bloody Foot Baseball

A genre of baseball played with mini equipment and no shoes and/or socks

Hey dude wanna drop in and get a round of bloody foot baseball under are belts?

Ya dew

by Hashlin Theaters May 23, 2009

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draw back a bloody stump

pulling back what should be your intact hand after mistakenly reaching for some item you counted on as belonging to you. Most often a trick in the card game of Euchre. The actual owner of the trick having severed all or part of your hand up to, but not including the elbow. The dismemberment/amputation could occur in any of a variety of gruesome manner-- meat cleaver amputations are quickest and most successful but other more lengthy and painful mutilations might include, but not limited to, chainsaws, electric OR manual meat grinders, strait razors, butcher knives, cinder blocks, sledge hammers, boot heels, barbeque forks etc.

Juan forgot that spades was trump so when he tried to collect the trick with his ace of clubs I ground his hand from his wrist with my Black and Decker belt sander leaving only denuted bone and scraps of soft tissue in its place causing him to draw back a bloody stump.

by The-Hawk July 23, 2009

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