When using the word " boomer ", people usually refer to a retarded 40 year old man pedophile who is bad at skyblock.
"Me: "This guy is such a boomer
You: "True lmao his name is prob ron"
Basically anyone who is over the age of 30 and despises millennials. Or anyone who says “champ” or “ oughta boy” or “sport”.
You millennials need to stop vaping. Or be just like jimmy. Keep it goin sport.
Ok boomer
Anyone over 22. Not to be confused with Baby Boomer
Andy just turned 23, and is now a boomer.
A person born from 1946-1964. The word boomer is commonly used in the phrase “okay boomer”.
You are a boomer!
He is so old that he is a boomer.
Boomer is a word meaning old people or geezers but in a rude way (lol)