Having a fuzzy memory, including not remembering details or having a skewed timeline, due to being socially isolated or quarantined during a pandemic
I wish I could remember what day it was but I have pandemic brain. I haven't left my house in a week!
Cory slipped and broke open his brain case all over my kitchen.
Synaptic transmission no longer functioning in ones brain due to intense stupidity, said to be contagious and communicable. Once caught, a person retains their previous knowledge, however is unable to acquire anything further.
i’ve heard Luke caught the brain purge off Liv, it wouldn’t of happened if she’d stayed in quarantine!
Brain Smoothie (noun):
A slang term used to describe a lobotomy, a surgical procedure that involves removing or damaging parts of the brain in order to treat mental illness or behavioral disorders. The term "brain smoothie" emphasizes the idea that the procedure turns the brain into a blended, mushy texture, similar to a fruit smoothie.
"I can't believe they gave Loreen a brain smoothie just because she had a few mood swings. That's way too extreme of a treatment!"
The loss of brain cells due to the excessive use of marijuana, resulting in getting stuck on a word or thought
Dude that girl was rambling on, def black brain
gaining a brain that will ascend to the genius level and reach godly intelligence. Signs you may have gotten Aarush's Brain are bigger brained thoughts, you may also notice a massive improvement in your grades at school.
(Person 1) "I got 100 percent on my math test, and I did not study!"
(Person 2) "That's odd usually you fail every test."
(Person 3) "you must have gotten Aarush's Brain."
The inability to remember literally anything in the last few weeks leading up to the wedding. The Bride's brain feels like it was actually removed from her head, and fried (scrambled egg style). She starts speaking nonsense ideas and repeats herself multiple times since she can't remember who she told what to. Symptoms include but are not limited to: bad wedding dreams, waking up at ridiculous hours of the night and not being able to fall back asleep, forgetting to eat, rambling on about nothing, uncontrollable laughter at random things.
Mother of the Bride Brain can also occur in a similar way. If both the Mother of the Bride and the Bride get this, LOOK OUT.
I'm afraid Kelsey has Bride Brain. She told me 6 times in a two hour span that she still needs to start packing for her honeymoon. I'm also worried about her mom, DiAnn, she laughs hysterically at almost everything.