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He is as friendly as a cicada

He often thinks he’s so good at Fortnite

He is always seen eating

Eric is fat

by Cookie catty 96 April 9, 2019


a liquidy fluid that pertrudes from the anus after homosexual encounter

his ass was so sensitive eric blasted out all over me!

by powerpoint360 October 8, 2019


The four letter word/nayme for/of our Creator God. Horakhty Himself..!!!

I'm sure glad that Eric showed up to the party, because it looks lyke no one else would have showed up for us.

by Kqueeng Bohy November 16, 2023


This guys is literally so hot fuck me already daddy holy shit if you ever meet an eric you better keep them because they are limited edition !!!!

Gunn: OMG!!! SHARE!!!!!!
Irfan: no all mine
David: *cries*

by jeongcuck February 21, 2021


Eric is the most wonderful boy you will ever meet. He messes up in the past but then gives it his all to make it up to you. If you are Eric’s girlfriend you are very lucky and will have a beautiful life. Eric makes a lot of mistakes but he doesn’t mean to. If you were ever Eric’s girlfriend but you broke up because he made a mistake then. You should forgive him and give him one more chance. Because when Eric’s says he loves you it’s the truth and he will love you forever. You are very lucky if you now Eric. Eric also says sweet things, is funny and is always trying to make you happy.

Most Eric’s like girls with a C in their name.

by The Random Girl123 December 17, 2020


A bad bitch that doesnt give no fucks

Eric a bad bitch

by Baddie88 May 8, 2019


a fuck tard

oh look it’s eric the fuck tard

by avelyn October 23, 2019