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Any who has enough sense, empathy, reason, logic, and still is

1. Harming for no reason at all or for satisfaction.

2. Harming for satisfaction

3. Any who enjoys harming and is harming and knows it's harming and refuses to stop until death and is pleased about entire process

I am evil and I am eternal.

by Wakandaman247 January 14, 2025



I hate these evil people

by Mina08 June 19, 2021


It's not a word. It's a curse.

Evil, pain, doubt, greed, and jealousy are not words. They are curses.

by Chalk it up as a LOSS May 22, 2021


what you call your mother when she doesn't give you food

Me: mom I'm hungry
Mom: then make yourself something
Me: Evil!

by noodlemikoodle September 27, 2018


that one guy who dresses in dark colors and goes muahahaha

I'm so evil muahahaha 😈

by ☃︎ October 23, 2023


Evil people don't turn evil, they just wear a good humanitarian facade (though not every humanitarian is superficial or evil, it's just a good place to hide in plain sight for those that are, among people the word thinks of as wonderful) in public, they try and light up the world with talk and preaching about equality, desegregation, justice, and things that sound good to a broad audience rather than a narrow, exclusive one (Hitler did the same thing by talking about peace and prosperity), but their true nature isn't as broadly known, as only a few people know about isolated incidents from the past that they found disturbing about the evil person (almost invisible from the outside observer).

He/she had always been evil and sleazy, even as a kid, but most of his/her audience didn't actually know much about his/her life or past beyond the public facade, the face the community at large saw most of the time, the one they thought was the real version of them.

by The Original Agahnim June 30, 2021


Something that doesn't show up on a lie detector or psychological exam. A mass murderer or serial killer doesn't tend to provide much foreshadowing of what he/she will do in a few decades, or what will lead up to it, even though people always try to go back and study or research the person's behavior, or ask people that knew them if they remember anything about the person. There's not really a simpler explanation than the person was always evil below the surface, no matter how good or humanitarian (or charitable/warm/generous) they seemed on the surface. Evil people can smile just like anybody else can.

The evil guy/girl knew that hiding in the light where everybody could see him/her would keep him/her in business longer than hiding in a dark alleyway where everybody would think to look for evil and creepy people/shit.

by The Original Agahnim June 30, 2021