When a girl with a nice ass sits on the floor with her legs spread apart a fairly far distance apart and gyrates her buttcheek muscles up and down
that stripper was floor bumpin all over the dance floor
A male human being who is presumably under the influence of alcohol and is locked on the floor and unable to move, usually drunk floor men still act drunk but are unable to get off the floor
The paramedics had to be called to get the drunk floor man (DFM) off the train since he was too drunk to move and was believed to have had alcohol poisoning
when you trip and days later it forms a round purple bump that hurts sometimes
ah damn it fuck my asshole i got a floor hickey it hurts so badly
Partying on the third floor is a reference to what happens at a party given by P diddy when he takes you up to the third floor. The third floor is where men are having sex with men
If you think a man is gay, "He's partying on the third floor"
Someone who lays prone on an objective
That man is a total floor chink.
When you're on your period and it drips on the floor
Wow her floor jelly looks yummy