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Granny Flop

When you try to crochet or knit a granny square but it does not go well and looks bad.

I tried to crochet at granny square but instead it ended up as a granny flop.

by Neo8885 March 24, 2024

Tera Flop

Another saying for being unable to get a hard cock during sex.

I'm sorry darling, it looks like i've got a Tera Flop tonight.

by StainRemover November 19, 2019

Thats the way the fish flops!

Another way to say "Thats the way the cookie crumbles"'

Used to say that there's nothing you could've done to change the outcome of something

Person 1: "Damn i just got fired from my job"

Person 2: "Well, y'know what they say: thats the way the fish flops!"

by Nopyyy October 25, 2023

was a flop

When a plan or creation fails miserably

“Man, dinner was a flop” or “Lacy, your life was a total flop! You are a mistake!”

by Mango_katxoxo March 31, 2024


when you lift up your balls and then let them rest on something close to the same height as your balls so that they are resting comfortably

So I just got threw taking a shower so I rocky top flopped on the sink.

by Gearsofdeath10 March 13, 2016


(verb) to say things about your own company that cause it to crash and burn.

Bro just tesla-flopped his company when he tweeted a bunch of fake shit.

by br00t4l September 29, 2018

Flop drop nollie

The most difficult skateboard trick ever. You make a nollie , but you land on your hands and flip to your hands while your board is doing a 360 , you land on your feet again and do a kickflip and you and with an impossible .
It's important that you do it in this order.

He is so good in skating, he's the only I know who can do a flop drop nollie!

by Die ene kutleerkracht November 10, 2019