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three foot rule

A rediculous rule that girlfriends have for a boyfriend to stand at least 3 feet away from any girl that likes or might like him besides her.

"Remember the three foot rule with that whore girl Jessica."

by hisgf May 27, 2017

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put your foot in it

when someone says you put your foot in somethin, that means you know how to cook whateva 'it' is, well

mmm. yo mama's frie dchicken is off da chain! you know she put her foot in it!

by yay area baby May 29, 2005

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Foot Down

To drive a car faster by pressing down more on the accelerator.

Tom overslept this morning therefore he had to put his foot down and break the speed limit or he would have been late for his big meeting.

by WHISKEYMAN1234 January 24, 2018

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Foot Fetish

What 5 year old children started

"I have a foot fetish"

by TheOneAndOnlyDipshit March 12, 2021

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Foot fedish

1)Ability to herd off with your feet

2)Used when you get an erection when the thought/ sight of feet

Have you heard of Justin's foot fedish?

by Jfaic April 16, 2018

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beer footing

pouring half a pint of beer or more on to a mates foot

when dario poured half a pint of stella on to sparkys foot at pompey in a club. was well funny!!! would recomend beer footing

by ellis the legend April 7, 2006

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Blueberry foot steps

When blueberries come to your house at night and attack you. The only way to get rid of them is to call 911 and put them on trail and get them executed in electric chair.

Blueberry foot steps were at my house at 2:48 AM last night.

by Minecraftjoe2 June 5, 2015