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Kamala harris

A fucking cummunist

Kamala harris is a communist

by Black people are funny (sike) September 13, 2022

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Harry Potter

A 7 book 8 movie series that consists of magic, magical creatures, and evil wizards/witches. The author of the books is known as "J.K. Rowling" and she calls her fans "Potterheads." Each book is about 500+ pages long but defiantly worth while! Although the series ended a while ago the fandom is still alive and well. For more info see pottermore.com

Potterhead: "OMG Harry Potter is the best thing ever!"

Friend; You're obsessed."

by my.name.is.mine.not.yours January 9, 2015

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Veronica Harris

1. A freakin frackin coolio person that has a huge (but nice) ass.
2. Has many moments of temporary death.

A goddess in training equals Veronica Harris

by Mary Fairweather May 10, 2011

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Harry Palmer

The protagonist of K.J. Rowling's book. This ignorant teenage zitfaced twit received international acclaim for his masturbatory tendencies.

Man, did you read Rowling's latest Harry Palmer book?

by Frank Klaune November 13, 2004

27๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty harry

A sexual innuendo which is approached from the doggy style position. As your fornicating doggy style stop. The male removes his penis from the vagina and slowly begins rubbing it on the area between the asshole and vagina. The male then says "i bet you wondering if i'm really gonna stick it in your asshole without asking,(pause for suspense) but my question is,(again pause) you feel lucky bitch, do ya?" Give or take the bitch in that sentence. The you proceed to shove your fallice into her asshole. I made this up wah wah wa what? all the other ones are wrong, and in reality are called something else

I pulled the dirty harry and she almost broke my dick off

by Mike Zula May 19, 2008

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harry styles

a god who is living and breathing god of multiple talents such as: singing, comedy, acting, playing instruments and much more.

playing articulate, girl number one says

"he used to be in the band 1D"
superfan girl "god"
girl" harry styles, correct"

by ruby rube January 2, 2020

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harry styles

my boyfriend so please stop spreading rumors about some girl named olivia. ew. why can't you all mind your own business.

Harry Styles belongs to ME. and ONLY ME. We got engaged last week, and y'all are invited to the wedding in august :)

by harry mf styles' girlfriend June 2, 2021

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