That kid that pretends to be autistic in your year but he just uses it to cover-up the fact that's he's actually a podophile and will message every kid 3 years younger than him that he can get his dirty hands in.
Dont go acting like Jimmy Essery
A sweaty Jimmy is when you have a fever or when youre really warm and your dick is long, sweaty and red ish.
For example:↓↓↓
1) "i had a 40° fever yesterday and tried to jack off with a sweaty Jimmy but wasn't easy."
2) "its so hot imma get a sweaty Jimmy".
A character of Monica and Friends made by Mauricio de Souza (in Brazil). He has dyslalia, so he often replaces R with W while talking (in english version)
Monica: Maggy, have you seen Jimmy Five??
Damn those jimmy whistles are sizzling take em off the fire.
The Silent Hero, the Carry to end all Carries, and the master of tilting his foes. :^)
- I played a great game of League of Legends the other day, because we had a Street Jimmy on our team.
- Man, I wish I had a Street Jimmy in my games sometimes.
Gemini Man Child.No goals, ambition. Suckubus. Lost.(Aka Stephen).
Jimmy schauers gave me a bad Vibe.
The term for a hardcore necrohomocooniphile
Jimmy Lewis is a hard-core necrohomocooniphile so he hates niggers