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Sloppy Karen

A sloppy Karen is when you’re giving a blowjob and you throw up on his dick and swallow it back down without them noticing.

Matt: hey, what happened with that guy last night you guys were really hitting it off?
Finn: oh yeah I took him home but I was so drunk I gave him a sloppy Karen but he didn’t notice so it was all good.

by Fboi April 26, 2020

Karen Effect

The principle that any word (new or existing), phrase or name can be used as an inflammatory or derogatory statement.

Karen effect- You’re such a Karen!

by Grungebobsquaredance June 4, 2022

Keyboard Karen

A person who stalks the comment section on social media platforms and harassess anyone with an opinion that could be perceived as different from their own. They are often entitled and speak down to others with a prominent self righteous attitude. When cornered in an argument, they may resort to accusations of bigotry or assume the role of victim.

I commented on a joke last night and a Keyboard Karen spent 2 hours trying to make me feel like a terrible person!

by Just Ignore Them December 18, 2021

Shadow Karens

An individual who exhibits Karen-like behavior (entitled, obnoxious, complaining middle aged woman, and other similar traits) but does so covertly so as to avoid confrontation.

Last week somebody complained that your beard is too long, and this morning I got a complaint that you were seen accelerating too quickly down the street
Oh sorry, I didn't realize the shadow karens were watching

by AKaleido September 23, 2020

Karen on a couch

When your man is in pain you give him a hummer to ease his pain. This is a must.

When your man is in pain you give him a Karen on a couch.

by Caring Karen April 16, 2023

Karen on a couch

When your man is in pain you give him a hummer to ease his pain. This is a must do.

My man was in pain so I gave him a Karen on a couch.

by Caring Karen April 16, 2023

Kate of Karens

Similar to a m'lady of neckbeards, a group of older karens is a "kate." Not to be confused with a group of teenage karens which is an "ashleigh."

It is said that for every store, restaurant, or bar manager there is a whole kate of karens, outnumbering them 10 to 1. It's only by the fact that karen kates are so untrusting and viciously territorial of toward each other that they haven't formed a superkate and opinionated us all.

by Enix Luceous July 10, 2023