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Dank meme

A Stupid meme which meme are never stupied

No memes are Dank meme

by Game mode 0 September 14, 2016

20πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Animation Meme

The 10th circle of hell.

Person: Finally, I have made my animation meme. Now all i need to do is wait for the views to come in-
Satan: Welcome to hell!

by Sorowa May 20, 2020

41πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Meme mining

When you cruise the comment section of Facebook and collect the funny memes people post there for your personal use at a later time.

My husband has been on a Hilary Clinton meme mining expedition since she announced her candidacy. Now he has all these pictures of Monica Lewinsky turned into memes on his phone.

by smg2972 April 16, 2015

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original meme

Something that doesn't exist.

"Hey, I saw an original meme!"

"911? Um ya, this guy over here has gone insane..."

by HEL_Marduk March 6, 2018

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Dank memes

when succ happens on vegetal and indian wants you to show bobs and vagene and i'll have two number 9s number 9 large number 6 with extra dip a number 7 two number 45s one with cheese and a large soda now you want sum fuk hey b0ss, i have a cancer there are three genders, four genders, even five The FitnessGramβ„’ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. two to the one to the one to the three i like good pussy and i like good trees doge let it grow look at this dude wake up nigga wake up dedotated wam

I like to watch some dank memes while masturbating to hentai girl moans.

by Damn she thicc November 2, 2017

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meme bebe

(noun) a two-hosed beer bong used to get effing hipsters "fucked up" in the midwest. two effing hipsters apply their mouths to either (1) meme, or (2) bebe, while the sober hipster holds M'lady ratblood (essentially, the base, head, or funnel.)
the origins of the name go back centuries to a local event known as "Argylepalooza" where effing hipsters got super blasted and chased away popular buzz-band The Stabbed Westerners with knives. legend has it they shouted "MEME BEBE!" as they heckled the band away.

Sober Hipster: Do you want to do a meme bebe?
Sloppy/Blasted Hipster: FUCK YEAH!

Two Effing Hipsters: One! Two! Three! MEMEEEEE, BEBE!

Hungover Hipster: Dude, I totally did like seven Meme Bebe's last night when I was coming off of the popular rave drug MDMA, known on the streets as "ecstasy"

by Julia Ratblood November 5, 2010

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cancerous meme

a meme that is old and over 6 months old and is not funny , when a current meme loses its spark it becomes a cancerous meme like "harambe's soul will always live on".

guy 1 isn't the bee movie meme a funny me hahah?

Guy 2 NO! that meme is such a cancerous meme

by tyler roaster o71 January 26, 2017

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