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Janiah loves imy more

A girl who loves her friend more but imy swears she loves me more

Janiah loves imy more yk.

by Sassquah October 8, 2019

More gnarled than Barkley

Referring to something/someone as more gnarled than Barkley, suggests that-that something and/or someone is very gnarley looking, ugly, or disfigured.

Yo man, that chick is "more gnarled than Barkley".

by BooBooBeeBeeBeepBeep October 1, 2009

Loving someone more

If you love them more than your dogs but they don’t love you over their dogs

I loving someone more.

by Peeeeennnnniiiiiisssssss February 6, 2020

more mulla

“More money” it means more money
Mulla meaning “money”
To get more money or to earn that money, just get that money in

Bro we need more mulla, the money is a bit low

by JBMULLA May 24, 2020

More lit than litmus paper

When something is really lit, so lit that it's level of litness is greater than that of litmus paper, a chemical used to measure pH.

Yoooooo, worship at church the other arvy was more lit than litmus paper!

by wt32845 December 18, 2017

o tempora, o mores

Shit be changin' (quote from the latin politician and philosopher Cicero)

Back in my day, a selfie was when you sucked your own dick. O tempora, o mores!

by Spike31415 November 7, 2017

Less yarns, more garns

To have less pointless conversations and do more action. Derives from Australian slang word yarn and garn.

A: I’m sick of not seeing any results. I have so many ideas but skip on so many opportunities.

B: Come on bud, all I see is you spinning yarns about it. Less yarns, more garns please!
A: Should I try to work out a plan?
B: yeh garn.

by Peter Jackson Gold 30s May 18, 2021