A sexual act, where a man ejaculates into his own mouth, mixes the semen with his own saliva by swishing, then baby-birds the mixture into his sexual partner’s waiting mouth.
“Oh my god, I was fucking Charlie last night and you’ll never believe what he did. He wanted to daddy bird me.”
“A femme daddy is a badass woman who will take care of you. She has her shit together. She knows how to do grownup shit, like make reservations. She’s good in bed. She has sophisticated taste in restaurants. She has femme energy and fierce femme style. She’ll open the door for you, and later order you a car home. A femme daddy is the opposite of a fuckboy." -Zara Barrie (for GO Magazine)
While Mommi is an aesthetic, "Daddy is complicated and can be hard to define. Daddy is a feel."
-Erin Sullivan and Kayla Upadhyaya (for AutoStraddle)
When you say, "She's a femme daddy" they'll ask, “How can she be a daddy? I thought all daddies were butches?” -Zara Barrie
A human being of the male species who is blessed with a penis of any size who uses this penis while erectile to insert it inside of his father engaging in gay anal sex play.
Dude! My twin sister’s brother is a daddy doinker!
One who dabs so well bitches call them daddy.
Damn look at mark, he a dab daddy.
Among gay men, an older guy with grey hair who still has a youthful appearance and is considered attractive because of those attributes. Can be in his 30's or 40's. More or less the gay equivalent of DILF.
Wow, that is one hot silver daddy! His short grey hair and gorgeous body turn me on!
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A girl wanting to be submissive and adored by a older guy, who will put her above all others. The sex is kinky, and the dominance irresistible to the male. A girl wanting to be naughty but sweet, just for her daddy :P
You be a good girl for daddy, I will look after all your Daddy issues
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