Source Code

what a tear

A sarcastic why of saying something is sad

Joe didn’t invite me to his party, what a tear.

by Dankone December 9, 2023

Skid Tears

Tears of a script kiddie. These are the people who troll hacker forums. They are bored and threaten to boot other people offline with the scripts they find on pastebin. They often go to other forums and beg for help to get the script working. Often they'll beg their parents for money for an extra VPS to run the scripts on. They generally commit suicide within a year of becoming a skid.

"i promise not to be a dumb skid"
If they say that they are a dumb skid, and cry skid tears when they cant get into the pentagram

by uwumaster69_420 May 13, 2020

Conservative tears

Cum or semen from a conservative

The discord feminist in the memes channel: "I don't care if you're upset, I drink conservative tears."
Everyone else: "don't you know what that means!?"

by TomRiddleXoXo September 15, 2022

Dancing With Tears In My Eyes

Dancing with tears in my eyes
Weeping for the memory of a life gone by
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Living out a memory of a love that died
It's five and I'm driving home again
It's hard to believe that it's my last time
The man on the wireless cries again
It's over, it's over

Dancing with tears in my eyes
Weeping for the memory of a life gone by
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Living out a memory of a love that died
It's late and I'm with my love alone
We drink to forget the coming storm
We love to the sound of our favourite song
Over and over
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Living out a memory of a love that died
It's time and we're in each other's arms
It's time but I don't think we really care
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Weeping for the memory of a life gone by
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Weeping for the memory of a life gone by
Dancing with tears in my eyes

by Death Menace February 8, 2023

Goth tears

Tears caused by whores

Friend:whats wrong slatty
Me: jus a couple goth tears, im good

by Knowoneism September 26, 2022

goth tears

Tears or intense sadness caused by your whore

Fren: whats wrong slatty
Me: jus a couple goth tears, im straight

by Knowoneism September 26, 2022

Booty Tears


Damn Taco Bell gave me the booty tears this morning.

by Booty tears August 3, 2024