Pain is an all-encompassing meaning. But in it's truest sense it refers to the video game Warframe. A game who's environment induces bodily discomfort and severe emotional distress to the Tenno due to the agonizing amount of G.R.I.N.D it demands of you.
- Hey, the doctors said the pain from your headaches is nothing serious!
- If I wanted it to be serious I'd grind the Nightwave in Warframe...
It's not a word. It's a curse
There is no such thing as pain
pain can be mental or physical. sometimes when it’s mental people change it to physical because mental pain hurts a lot worse than any physical pain.
Doing Mr W's Chemistry homework brings me mental Pain.
1.)The feeling of knowing you have to go back to school.
2.)Figuring out you miss someone that doesn’t give a fuzzy rats ass about you.
3.)Knowing that the only person you feel loved by is your best friend.