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Event Rap

A style of rap music that generates a ton of buzz because of the artists involved, instead of for quality.

"This party needs some event rap, put on Watch the Throne!"

by Rafferty McCafferty September 25, 2011

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Empress of Rap

The Empress of Rap is Cardi B! She was the Queen of Rap but she has moved up to Empress. There is now no Queen of rap. Sorry to Icki Garbaj fans.

Is that Cardi b? She is the Empress of Rap

by Mysterywriter101 December 15, 2020

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the rap dream

This saddens me when I see it at school. The rap dream is the delusion (usually believed by blacks) that they do not need an education because their future lies in the anti-music of rap. Related to this is the basketball dream. This is the same thing except with basketball.

Due to the rap dream, I predict millions of deadbeat losers in about 10 years still trying to make it big.

by Gareth Klieber February 18, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

gansta rap

rap that glorifies, or at least frequently refers to or discusses, the gangster life (whatever that may be. i have no interest in finding out first-hand what that means.) personally, i despise it and i find it to be the source of many problems in today's society. half these rappers aren't even good role-models. i'm sorry 50 cent, but when you get shot that many times, maybe there's a reason and maybe you should stop what you are doing and re-examine your principles.
seems to fairly popular at large social events (prom, homecoming, whatever) because it is 'easy to dance to.' uhh, last time i checked, having sex through your clothing wasn't called dancing. sorry dudes. get a room for that stuff.
apparently if you don't like gangsta rap, then you are considered strange/weird/a freak/rude. uhh. what?
a lot of it seems to be about the same stuff. sex, violence, women being referred to as "bitches" and "hos." let's not forget the 'music' videos are really just a bunch of scantily-clad women gyrating in front of the camera while the rapper makes odd hand signs and wears lots of gold (that might not actually be real even) and baggy clothing. often includes excessive profanity and "pimped out" cars/houses/rubber duckies/donuts/whatever.
i can't understand most of the words because (A) it's mostly ghetto slang that i don't understand, (B) it goes way too fast, or (C) the amount of profanity has made me not want to pay attention to the rest of the material.

i really have no idea if there's an underground 'scene' for this stuff, but to be honest, i'm not very interested in finding out at the moment.

my friend: you don't listen to gansta rap?
me: nope. i prefer indie rock and emo music, but if you want to listen to gangster rap, then i can't tell you not to.
my friend: omg you're so weird, what's wrong with you? should i turn the radio in my own car off?
me: no, it's your car, you can play whatever you want in it. there's nothing wrong with me, i just don't like it.
my friend: you're so weird.. you don't like rap? that's so weird....

lyrics that i once heard (i might have the word order slightly wrong; the car was speeding by): "give me back my gun and i'll give you back your life."

an excessive amount of mainstream gangsta rap contains way too much profanity for my tastes.

by everyothernameitrieddoesntwork November 19, 2007

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Gangster Rap

A form of Hypnosis used by the White Man to convince the Black man to destroy his self.

Lets poison the Black children with Gangster rap so they'll grow up stupid and unemployed and therefore out of our way.

by Notta Surprise August 3, 2009

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Queen of Rap

Lovely Peaches

Lovely Peaches is the queen of rap.

by gian outsold October 14, 2021

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Rap Devil

A retarded diss track by MGK that's full of fuckery! He was trying to diss Eminem, but he accidentally ended up dissing himself by proving Eminem right about how he's whack! It had a bunch of retarded disses that only people as retarded as MGK would be capable of making.

Rap Devil was gay!

by I'm Obsessed With Your Mother February 13, 2020

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