Source Code

3D rule

Don't Disappoint Daddy

Always remember the 3D rule!

by weirdotheone August 9, 2020

Jersey Rules

Typically used in hockey, where if you wear his jersey and he scores, you have to give him a post-game blowie. (blowjob)

Christina: hey can I wear your jersey?
Jason: yeah, only if we go by jersey rules.
Christina: fineee

Jason scored

Jason: Time for my post game blowie!!

by socks 🧦 February 16, 2022

the boosh rule

Invoking "The boosh rule" is a request to get back on task.

It originated during Run Amok recording sessions due to the natural tendency of the band and the producer to both get stuck talking about and quoting The Mighty Boosh for hours on end while they were supposed to be recording.

'The Boosh Rule' initially was a rule that was set to prevent this - no talking about The Mighty Boosh until you were finished tracking for the day.

In the time that has passed it has since spread and come to refer to any procrastination or lack of attention to the immediate task.

Meeting participant 1: So what's next on the agenda? I can't find it in the notes .. I wish there was a program guide for this ridiculous meeting.
Meeting participant 2: Oh hey did you hear that there's a new program guide service starting up?
Meeting participant 1: Cool, no I didn't - when does it go online?
Meeting participant 2: It should be starting soon, pretty cheap I hear.
Meeting participant 1: Neat, forward me the URL.
Meeting participant 3: Hey! You two! The Boosh Rule.

by nhac August 15, 2007

Deployment Rules

AKA "D.R."; A known and unwritten creed to never discuss the philandering and sexually-related extracurricular activities of one's fellow shipmates or soliders while on overseas liberty."

"Hey guys, before we go out, remember DEPLOYMENT RULES for tonight".

by Steamer 2 January 30, 2008

shane rule

Unofficial addendum to Robert's Rules of Order, invoked when no one in the room actually knows anything about the current topic of conversation. Once invoked all discussion of the named topic must cease and a new topic of conversation should be chosen.

"Chicken eggs are unfertilized that's why they don't hatch."
"Why would they be laid if they weren't fertilized? The chicken just needs to sit on them and then they would turn into chicks."
"Do either of you know what you're talking about?"

"Shane rule!"

by H. Welles July 16, 2014

rule 889

No matter how many rules exist, more can be created.

Guy 1: Man, there is no possible way anyone could think of another rule.

Guy 2: "Rule 889"

Guy 1: Oh yeah...

by Pixel Studios May 31, 2017

rule 89

If you cannot understand it, it is machine code

Coder: I don’t understand this error.
Coder 2: it is rule 89

by VoidedChaos January 8, 2018