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too sweet

When you or more people break the rules and don't get caught.

Dude, we just destroyed my dad's car and he think It was somebody else. Too Sweet me man.

by Marthello January 11, 2018

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sweet peaing

Sweet peaing is the act of grabbing a persons (preferably a larger male) waist and or love handles while shaking them in an affectionate way. As you shake your large male/friend you say "SWEET PEA".

The other day I was trying to hook up with this hot chick but all she wanted to do was sweet pea me. I was pissed.

I love when my girl friend is sweet peaing me in front of my friends.

I have this friend who sweet peas every fat person in site.

by Whore pea September 1, 2010

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it aint sweet

a phrase meaning it isn't alright or cool.

A man cums to quick during sex and says sorry and the woman says," It aint sweet!"

by waynewifey January 21, 2009

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Sweet potato

A gay man who enjoys sucking of big balls

Brett is a sweet potato

by Bortellini February 1, 2017

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sweet sixteen

Its the taste of the vagina at sixteen while she is still (relatively) pure.

Rosie just turned sixteen and she tastes sweet. I guess that's why they call it "sweet sixteen."

by fred2011 March 19, 2011

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a marathon runner who trains to run marathons full time

"hes a sweet never does anything else"

by darren heaney December 13, 2007

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Sweet Tea

The act of dipping ones testicles in sugar, and smearing them across your opponents face.

Man 1: I cannot believe Brad Sweet Tea'd me at last nights party, I still have sugar in my hair.
Man 2: Yeah, it was totally SWEET.
Man 1: Shut up.

by theteamonster January 7, 2011

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