Source Code

Khia city

Most legendary hood in pompano come test yo luck

Dere go them niggas from khia city u better duck

by 36allday February 18, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

fourth city

Term to refer to Houston's status as the nation's fourth largest city. Much like Chicago is known for being the "Second City" when it was the second largest city in the US.

Houstonians have fourth city envy and do not want to see Chicago host the 2016 Olympics.

by samwill May 9, 2009

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Colorado City

The nasty little town in Northern Arizona that is home to a large sect of polygamists. Yes, a quaint village that is the West's answer to Deliverance country.

That lucky Jeramiah is one lucky bastard. He has twelve wives and lives in Colorado City.

by lickmeiamchris November 8, 2006

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Meep City

A free to play game created by alexnewtron on a development platform called ROBLOX
It is a copy of the game Club Penguin and has been known for having a bad community.
However all I have to blame is the owners basically being a rip off.
Copyright law allows you to reproduce content but this is a literal copy of club penguin.
The community can just take the l.

Player 1: I play meep city everyday!
Player 2: Take the l

by An L user November 30, 2018

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gat city

an asylum
see also: madhouse

gat city is an asylum and madhouse

by 12345678 December 17, 2003

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liberty city

libert city is a city miami's nw miami-dade section and also a fictional city in grand theft auto refering to new york city.

liberty city is in miami. the real city
liberty city in gtaII is refering to nyc the fictional city
vice city refers to miami in the gtaII vice city

by smart miamian March 25, 2008

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City rolling

When you and yo homies driving Around the city ๐ŸŒƒ

Me and and Patrick was city rolling last night

by Ybkvon November 22, 2020

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