Source Code

beast a lavair

Total domination deriving from a song in Tony Hawk Underground

"yo man we are losing 20 to nothing"
"yeah those guys are "beast a lavair" (beasting our lavair proper usage had to write beast a lavair in sample though)

by glaser May 6, 2008

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savage beast

having knowingly had intercourse with a llama, you went back for more, and the second time around you used its tail as a dildo ramming it up your ass as you plowed through its gaping ass or vagina

Wow, i think Tom is fond of that "Savage beast'

by andy w. August 20, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

beast mode

When you pop adderall pills before going out for a long night of rowdy drinking

Thies went beast mode last night and was the life of tha party

by lechaz stevens February 5, 2010

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beast mode

Owning it up,dominating. beasting destroying

wow matt just went beast mode on that guy!

by thedunk6thouz October 26, 2009

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Beast Mode

defining going crazy, screaming, or other crazy behavior

"i was just walking along, and this dude comes by and starts beating me and going beast!" ("beast" like going beast, is another way to say beast mode)

by dadefiner December 20, 2008

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Laxing beast

A guy or girl whos entire life revolves around lax aka Lacrosse. They have no life whatsoever, and everyone ends up disliking them because that is all they ever talk about. Lax Lacrosse Beast

My life is like blah blah blah LAX

by NewAgeInc. February 28, 2005

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the hairy beast

A girl whose body is covered in gross hair. Although she tries to shave it, she will always be known as the hairy beast. Gross.

The hairy beast has bad B.O.

by Caitlin & Mandy March 21, 2005

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