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time spent on-line on the www, or on a computer game or computer activity; time experienced subjectively while on line that feels short, but has been much longer in real time

1. in e-time it seemed like I'd been online for 5 minutes, when in real time six hours had passed

2. I spent 2 hours e-time in this beautiful electraglade I stumbled upon.

by chris firth August 14, 2006

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Vagina Time

A long period of time characterized for how long it takes a women to do basically anything. Also known as vagina time.

Dude what took you so long?
The bitch was driving... she made vagina time.

We thought you were bring the beers in an hour. Not in vagina time.

by Jason Riley June 18, 2004

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executive time

Time better spent by stable geniuses, such as watching Fox TV or tweeting.

Had to reschedule world peace initiatives, as they conflicted with my executive time.

by Bronx Brent January 8, 2018

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dick time

to have sex

"Yo, I'm goin' over to Susie's. Gonna spend some dick time."

"Did you and Joey go to the movie last night?"
No, we just stayed at my place and got some dick time in."

by Wittgenstein52 July 8, 2010

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Time Porn

N.Sitcoms with characters with great apartments and fabulous wardrobes but enjoying obscene amounts of free time.

See also 'Seinfeld'

by Noel S. December 4, 2003

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Time Magazine

A spineless magazine that has just been proven to be a puppet for the ruling elite, by electing Mark Zuckerberg as 2010 Person of the Year, who got 18,353 votes and placed 10th, to Julian Assange's 382,024 votes, who placed 1st, and ahead by 148,387 votes of second place's Recep Tayyip Ergodan, the Prime Minister of Turkey as of 2010.

I have lost all my respect for Time Magazine.

by tylerdurden89 December 15, 2010

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Havin' a time

Havin' a time is slang from eastern Canada, which means having fun, having a good time, just in a general state of well-being.

Generally, if one is havin' a time, he or she is doing pretty well.

Seamus was just sittin' at the bar, havin' a time.

"What're ya doin' over there, b'y?"
"Havin' a time! Yas should come join!"

by Cacaphonous Mischief October 19, 2009

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